Skilled Migrant Professionals February 2015 | 页面 7

Publisher’s Page The power of a positive attitude I t’s the beginning of yet another year! I’m sure a good number of SMP Magazine readers have been engaged in that annual ritual of making resolutions. Whether it’s losing some weight, saving up for a home loan deposit, reducing credit card debt, spending quality time with loved ones, or volunteering for a charity organisation, we have affirmed that this year we will change our lives for the better. I don’t want to discourage you, but studies show that less than a quarter of people who make New Year resolutions actually succeed in turning over a new leaf. So, discard that list of empty promises. There is a way to achieve all of your objectives in 2015, which is quite simple; it’s all about attitude, the law of attraction, karma – call it what you will. Bring energy and wisdom to each and every situation in 2015 , instead of allowing your life to be consumed by doubt and insecurity; be positive! Your thoughts will manifest themselves. It seems too many of our migrant professional colleagues seem willing to put their livelihood in the hands of others, accept whatever fate is dealt them, and resign themselves to the inevitability of defeat. To me failure is simply not an option! I have chosen to surround myself with a network of positive and inspiring people. I admire those who seek out new ideas and possibilities, forging ahead without excuses. If we open our eyes and look just that little bit further, you will find there are unprecedented opportunities around us every day. We just might need to adjust our actions or attitudes to see them clearly and attract those opportunities into our lives. Over the years, I have chosen to adopt the mental attitude of being excited by opportunities that have grown from challenges. For this year, I urge SMP Magazine readers to wipe your slates clean and discard any laid-back notions or myths that are holding you back. I have always found that a positive outlook is a liberating force, enabling us to free our minds and tap into our creative energy to handle tough situations. Or, better yet, discover new possibilities. Changing course away from these old habits will require a departure from the status quo which can be scary but I can tell you that it is worth the risk with advancing our lives as a reward. Being competitive in the job market may mean that you need to approach employment in a different or even unconventional manner. Or, middle-career professionals recognise they need to take the plunge into social media to expand their networks and options. As we grow as professionals, we should surround ourselves with a network of li