Skilled Migrant Professionals February 2015 | Page 27

For example, if you measure how many leads you are getting from each advertising source, you’ll start to see which ads work best and which are the worst. Simply cutting the worst performers and putting that money into the best can have a dramatic increase in the leads produced. Yet you’d never know to do that if you didn’t track the numbers daily. Get your most important numbers and make them the dashboard of your business – then watch them often as you drive your business forward. Step 4: Improve sales conversion This is the one area in which most businesses can experience the greatest amount of growth. The reasons include: • It’s usually a no-cost improvement in the business. It simply requires you to change the way you do things. • The average conversion rate is much lower than most business owners think. • Increasing from 25% to 35% is not that difficult and that would result in a 40% increase in sales! Break down each step your prospect goes through in order to buy from you, from seeing your advertisement through to payment. Examine the conversion of each step and find the weakest link (where you are losing most of the leads) and focus on improving that. Then always keep repeating this process of finding the weakest link in your sales process. Remember, the higher a ticket your item is, the more steps you will have in the sales process. A pizza shop is going to have one major step – handling the phone call. But selling a boat will have a number of steps to take a prospect from being curious to being serious. Step 5: Know your costs For a period of one month, pay for every single item in your business yourself. Actually see each invoice and pay each one yourself. You’ll immediately start asking questions like: What is this? Do w