Skilled Migrant Professionals Autumn 2016 | Page 11

Job Hunting With


How you can take advantage of this professional networking platform
u I READ AN ARTICLE recently about how hard it is for people to get work in the current economic environment , but when I looked up the people mentioned in the article , guess how many had a LinkedIn profile ? Only the journalist who wrote the article . Creating a good online presence and professional brand is essential , particularly when you are searching for a job or researching opportunities . Assuming you already have a LinkedIn profile , here ’ s what you need to do to get it working for you . by Peter Taliangis Licensed real estate agent ,
“ Professionals Ultimate ”
1 ) Make the contact details easy to find on your home page . If you ’ re not sure what I mean , take a look at my profile www . linkedin . com / in / petertaliangis . There ’ s nothing worse than visiting someone ’ s profile and not being able to get in touch with them .
2 ) Ensure your profile and your summary reflect the work you are looking for and the skills you have . Fill up your skills section , your courses and your education – detail is everything on LinkedIn .
3 ) Follow relevant companies to learn about their products and most importantly , look at their employees to see who you know and who can introduce you to someone . Offering to buy people a cup of coffee , as well as making yourself available for internships and work experience , can also help you gain a better insight into the company .
4 ) Join relevant local groups . If you are in Perth , join groups that relate to Perth , unless you have plans to move globally for work . Join groups that relate to your industry , and search out and connect with relevant locals that might be able to offer you an opportunity , an introduction , or an internship .
5 ) Don ’ t be afraid to ask for help by reaching out to professionals in your industry , or even people that know relevant people .
I have helped people from non-English speaking backgrounds get jobs in Perth using these techniques . It can take time , but it ’ s more effective than sending out countless resumes that never get read .
Peter Taliangis is a LinkedIn coach for business development and trains clients one-on-one on how to use the online platform effectively .
Ph : 0431417345 Email : taliangis @ live . com . au
Autumn 2016 | www . smpmagazine . com . au 11