Skidmark Skatemag #36 | Page 25

OLLIE Garrett: Well, I was making Youtube videos for fun, just putting edits together because my dad was always into videography. I made my own channel and starting posting to it. It was kinda right before people started actually making money from Youtube, and my friend was like, “dude you have a channel you should make it big and you can make money off of it.” I was like, you can’t make money off of Youtube, that’s not a thing. Then I did a little research on it, did it for around two years and then eventually started getting paid. Becker: Can you make a living of doing that? Garrett: Definitely, I have multiple close friends that are making more that 100 grand a year. Becker: Are you fucking kidding me? Garrett: I am not fucking kidding you. I’m not allowed to discuss exact earnings, but you caneasily live off of it. Becker: Do you think a good porn site could have been Youboob? Garrett: I’m pretty sure that’s a website already. Becker: Have you checked? Garrett: No, but I’llcheck right now. It has to be, they could make millions off of that. Becker: If it isn’t maybe you could give us some tips. Garrett: Whoa, it is a porn site. Becker: Any good? Garrett: It’s still loading. Becker: Lemme see. Haha! It says, “Youboob statistics, vote for the best low quality porn picture.” Haha