Skidmark Skatemag #36 | Page 24

Becker: Who are you? Garrett: Well, I am Garrett Ginner, that is who I am. I am 18 years old and I’m from SantaCruz, California my whole life. Born and raised. Becker: Is it true that you perm your hair once a month? I think that is confidential information. Garrett: Becker: Zero perms? haired like the caddyfrom the movie Happy Gilmore? Garrett: I’ve never got that one before. Becker: If he is still employed as an actor you might be able to make a little side money being his stunt double. “Hey where you goin with those clubs punk!” Garrett: I’d be down. Garrett: Shhhhhhhhh. Becker: So right now, do you have a day job? Becker: So how do you make your hair so poofy? job, weekend job, hobby, past time activity, etc. Garrett: Well, it’s a hard process actually. I Garrett: Yeah, Youtube. Day job, night start off by making sure I don’t do anything to it,care as little as possible, and then it pretty much does it’s own thing. Becker: So wait, you make money by posting videos on Youtube? Becker: Has anyone ever told you that you kinda look the blonde poofy Becker: How did you get started doing that? Garrett: Yes, yes I do.