Sixth Form Subject Guide 2019-2021 REDRAFTED Sixth Form Choices Guide | Page 27

A Level Mathematics Entry Requirements As high a grade as possible at IGCSE, such as grade 7, 8 or 9. Where next? Mathematics is a versatile qualification, well respected by universities and employers alike. Pupils with a good Mathematics qualification from school, indicating good numeracy, problem solving and analytical skills are attractive to all employers be it in, for example, accounting, banking, business, economics, management, marketing, medicine, the military, politics, psychology or surveying. There is still a huge demand from science, engineering and manufacturing employers. Careers requiring good mathematical skills and qualifications are frequently well paid, interesting and rewarding. The skills you learn in A Level Mathematics are of great benefit in other A Level subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computing, Geography, Psychology, Economics and Business Studies. A Level Mathematics is an interesting and challenging course which extends the methods you have learnt at GCSE and is made up of ‘Applied Mathematics’ and ‘Core Mathematics’. WHAT WILL I STUDY? Applied Mathematics This is the mathematics, which is used to describe or to solve ‘real-world’ situations and problems. Within this section there are three main areas: Statistics, Mechanics and Decision Mathematics (Decision Mathematics is only available to Further Mathematicians). Statistics – Collecting and analysing data and using this to make predictions about future events. Many subjects make use of statistical information and techniques. An understanding of probability and risk is important in careers including insurance, medicine, engineering and sciences. Mechanics – Modelling and analysing the physical world around us, including the study of forces and motion. Mechanics is particularly useful to students studying physics and engineering. Decision Mathematics – Using algorithms and other methods to find efficient solutions to real life problems, such as finding the shortest route between two points in a network. Decision is particularly useful for business, computing and economics careers. Core Mathematics The easiest way to think of Core Mathematics is that it is mathematics done for its own sake, often referred to as Pure Mathematics. In fact, it is not that simple because even the most abstract mathematics will almost always have applications. HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Three externally-examined papers which are taken in the Summer Term of Upper 6 carrying equal weight for the overall grade: Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 (Paper code 9MA0/01) Paper 2: Pure Mathematics 2 (Paper code 9MA0/02) Paper 3: Statistics and Mechanics (Paper code 9MA0/03)