Singapore Tamil Youth Conference 2018 Toolkit Toolkit 2018 Final | Page 43

and theme for the production since the overall artistic director will have the final say ○ A proper handover has to be planned early so that it enables the newcomers to successfully embark on and spearhead new productions Writing and Direction Only a small number of youth are willing to come forward to write scripts for theatre productions Similar to direction, youth also lack guidance in and exposure to script writing (e.g. lack of script- writing training/mentorship) ● Calvet, a one-year writing mentorship creative writing throughout the season. programme that was launched by Avant ● There is a lack of appreciation and Theatre and funded by the National Arts recognition for scriptwriters in the Tamil Council for two seasons was an attempt at theatre scene developing young writers in various genres, ▪ Scriptwriting continues to be a very more specifically writers for the Tamil Theatre underestimated role in a production scene in Singapore. ● Lack of collaboration between literary ● The programme was on a one-to-one writers (e.g. short stories, poetry) and mentorship basis, where participants were theatre artistes leaves an untouched pool guided by the relevant experts and attended of writing talent that has been left writing workshops for one year while unutilised continuously working on one piece of The writers can be utilised in two ways: ▪ Existing works could be adapted into theatre productions ▪ Their talent in writing could also be channelled effectively towards writing scripts specifically for theatre by giving ▪ them the relevant guidance and training “Despite the fact that RDG and Association of Singapore Tamil Writers were right next to each other, not much of their stories were used for scripts” - Karthikeyan Rajaseygaran, member of Singapore Indian Artistes Association Lack of written records for Tamil theatre - There is a need for scriptwriters to document their works as books to benefit future generations There is also a lack of post-event dialogue sessions to evaluate and critique theatre performances. The Tamil theatre scene lacks proper feedback channels to receive constructive criticism from credible theatre experts ○ NUS TLS held a post-event dialogue session for the biennially held Tamil theatre production Sangae Muzhangu, for the first time in 2017, to obtain feedback on the show. The session helped to voice out the opinions and perspectives of the audience on the different elements of the show, which can be reflected upon to improve the show in the future. Productions are generally required to keep up to a certain language standard which might be a struggle for some scriptwriters ○ Concerns and doubt regarding language use applies to both literary and spoken Tamil as youth can be unsure of what is appropriate stage decorum ○ Youth led productions would naturally include a certain type of language and lingo which might not be received well by general audience 40