Singapore Tamil Youth Conference 2018 Toolkit Toolkit 2018 Final | Page 21

Particularly, these competitions attracted Polytechnic and ITE Tamil students who have very limited exposure to Tamil language and Tamil-related activities. Economic Viability of Tamil Cultural, political and economic dominance by the English language is viewed as major reasons for the shift away from minority languages (Sallabank, 2012). Fluency in Tamil only increases employment opportunities in a small pool of Tamil-related fields such as teaching, court interpreters, translation, and media (Kadakara, 2011). Succeeding in one’s career and pursuing Tamil are viewed as mutually exclusive, and a common belief has been nurtured among the local education system and society in general that pursuing Tamil might affect one’s career viability and distract students from their focus on achieving financial stability. Role models who have succeeded with the pursuit of Tamil When teachers relate success to Tamil, students are not convinced. However, when successful Tamil individuals give motivational talks, students are better able to realise that Tamil pursuits do not necessarily deter one from achieving material success • For example, during TLF, NTU TLS Alumni Association initiated a TED Talk-style event in which prominent Tamil Youth speak about how they sustained their love for Tamil and how Tamil is always a part of their lives even if it has nothing to do with their career • Such student-run initiatives appeal to youth since they can relate better with the speakers themselves and youth-led projects are often viewed more favourably by their peers compared to events organised by teachers or organisations. 18