A Bath for Preventing Colds & Flu

This will help you ward off colds and flu.

Put in: 2 drops of peppermint oil

2 drops of juniper oil

4 drops of lavender oil

Milk powder as a solvent

A Bath for A Cold

If you are suffering with a cold this type of bath will relieve you of congestion and allow you to breathe freely.

Put in: 6 drops of Eucalyptus oil

Or 6 drops of Thyme oil

1 drop of sunflower oil

Eucalyptus- improves circulation and loosen muscles in the chest.

Thyme- relaxes the bronchial tubes and brings up phlegm.

Make sure that you get the essential moisture that your body requires. Glycerin soap is an excellent moisturizer for all skin types. It is gentle and supple to the skin without robbing your skin of its natural moisture.

During these extreme weather conditions. Weather you know it or not.

BEAUTY (cont.)


A Bath for Preventing Colds & Flu

This will help you ward off colds and flu.

Put in: 2 drops of peppermint oil

2 drops of juniper oil

4 drops of lavender oil

Milk powder as a solvent

A Bath for A Cold

If you are suffering with a cold this type of bath will relieve you of congestion and allow you to breathe freely.

Put in: 6 drops of Eucalyptus oil

Or 6 drops of Thyme oil

1 drop of sunflower oil

Eucalyptus- improves circulation and loosen muscles in the chest.

Thyme- relaxes the bronchial tubes and brings up phlegm.

Make sure that you get the essential moisture that your body requires. Glycerin soap is an excellent moisturizer for all skin types. It is gentle and supple to the skin without robbing your skin of its natural moisture.

During these extreme weather conditions. Weather you know it or not.

BEAUTY (cont.)