Simply Elevate September 2014 | Page 32

This is when I began using to truly track calories in and calories out. A few months went by and I stepped on the scale, it now read 301. I decided to step it up some; I was feeling great I had released over 50 pounds. Why not try something new? After talking with one of my Zumba instructors, she asked if I was doing any weight training (I wasn’t) so I started a group exercise class that incorporated weights, I began tabata interval training and I started jogging. September 2012 I was down to 276. I couldn’t believe what was happening before my very eyes. My life had changed drastically! I was doing Zumba five, sometimes six days a week and weight training 2-3 days a week. Around January 2013 I had only been able to drop to around 264 and I was stuck there so again I switched up my routine and began taking a linercise class (hip hop line dancing) and I was introduced to a group of ladies who were on the same fitness path I was heading down. With this group of ladies, I entered a 90 day Biggest Loser challenge. Although the last month of the challenge my weight didn’t change much but I WON that challenge! Money in my pocket! I dropped 24 pounds and 8.8% body fat during that 90 day period by running, dancing, lifting weights and resistance training. Here we are at the end of March 2013 and I am down to 240 pounds which is where I had been since February 2013. I have remain Y]\