Simply Elevate May 2014 | Page 10

3R’s To Spring Forward in Reality By Acquilla Faye McCoy Photo by: Derek Palmer Nature transforms as trees give birth to green leaves and multi-colored blossoms signaling that winter has ended introducing spring and a new year in development. In response animals come out of hibernation, people enjoy afternoons in the park, strolls downtown become more inviting, and anxiety builds as to what the summer will bring. While several of us find ourselves also going through the long awaited (drum roll please) SPRING CLEANING! That wonderful time of year where we isolate ourselves for hours on end to rid ourselves of those items which no longer hold value. Damaged and worn memories manifested in tangibles that have built into clutter over the last year or years. As boxes and bags are opened, searched, and thrown to their new fates, memories begin to cycle our minds. Our minds begin to relive moments, decisions, and ambitions. NOW THE REAL SPRING CLEANING BEGINS! As you clean the house you have to cleanse yourself from the pruning of dead branches and storms throughout winter. We find that we are not as close to the same people or have neglected to connect in while. We have been working a field that is undesirable or cannot find employment in the field which we planned to spend our entire lives. We begin to reflect…showing gratitude for those aspects of our lives which bring joy, peace, and just feel right. We also find ourselves making decisions about what we need to improve and remove. As we go through our external and internal cleanings, there are three concepts that will make this process transform with more ease: Rejuvenation Research Relaxation Rejuvenation! Just like the trees which appeared barren and dull have awoken by the sun’s tilt for spring’s arrival, it’s time for everything with breathe to flourish. Some synonyms of rejuvenation are transform, upgrade, innovate, reconstruct, renovate, renew, rebuild, and revolution. You got it! Time to make those improvements to the aspects of life that you have found could be more fulfilling. Improvement does not mean that your life is displeasing; it means that it continued progress can make it more fabulous. Think about the last time that you did something spontaneous for no reason or tried a new anything. Anything, don’t limit yourself, the universe is the limit therefore it’s up to you how far you go. Even if you just try cooking a new dish or doing something from the norm after work or on the weekends. Right now at this moment is your time to transform yourself for yourself! Now that it has been realized that the jar is off the lid and you can fly out into world, let’s add some structure and intentional direction. While energy is running high, take time to conduct research on your new endeavors and ideas. Research! Sometimes, we are not quite sure of what to do or the possibilities that can make our ideas grow without end. Let’s think about wanting to pick up a new hobby or interests in order to make more time for you to explore solo. There are researches at the local libraries, on the Internet, YouTube videos, DVDs, community workshops, and classes at local, community, and online universities and colleges that can provide classes to guide our new interests. There are articles that detail techniques, theories, methods, step-by-step guides, and various reference