Silver Streams Issue 2 | Page 6

From the Sonnets of Paolo Malatesta

Paolo considers Francesca's use of technology

She tagged me in a wedding photograph

on FACEBOOK where she has me as a "friend".

The self-same image, filtered for a laugh,

appears on INSTAGRAM. That's not the end

of her on-line activities: she tweets -

her TWITTER name: @francesca18.

She posts her recipes on PINTEREST.

She also blogs on TUMBLR, so I've seen.

She sells her stuff on ETSY and EBAY.

She buys her books from AMAZON (.com)

and streams her music from ITUNES. (I pay).

Using her IPAD seems to keep her calm.

I wonder if she's using dating apps

like TINDER. Best that I don't know... perhaps.

Paolo on the sonnet

Don't fuck with the sonnet. That's what she said

when I compared her to a summer's day

and told her Shakespeare, hath he hath a way

with her, could make her as well known, well read,

as Petrarch's Laura who, already wed

like Dante's Beatrice, remained aloof

and did, thereby, exemplify the proof

love poetry originates in bed.

Don't fuck with the sonnet. But, on my life,

I'd have our amours, lately, as perused

as Milton on his late espoused wife

or Mrs. Browning on the man she wooed

or Keats on Fanny in the midst of strife.

Don't fuck with the sonnet. Don't be so crude.