Silver and Gold Magazine Winter 2107-2018 | Page 16

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– By Suzanne Soto-Davies
Our bodies are alkaline by design , while our North American diets are acidic in nature : We wake up after hours of rest and fasting , only to feed it breads , coffee , sugary jams , cheese , muffins , fruit - which are all highly acidic foods . For lunch , we ’ ll have a bagel with cream cheese , or a sandwich ( more bread , more dairy ) with some cold cuts ( highly acidic , processed and prepared meats ), and maybe another coffee , glass of milk , or juice . When evening rolls around , sure , we ’ ll have some veggies along with more proteins and carbs , and probably some alcohol and a few sugary treats . Does this sound vaguely familiar ?
We have forgotten how to eat for health ; we don ’ t know what it means to feed our bodies to prevent illness , to feed for nutrition , and as a result we ’ re getting sick , gaining weight , and feeling exhausted . We are popping medications and antibiotics - all which are hugely acidic - and are expecting to magically feel better after a ten-minute visit to the doctor ? It ’ s not going to happen .
Our highly acidic diets are causing our bodies to deteriorate rapidly , and we wonder why we ’ re not feeling that great … Is it age ? It it lack of motion ? The problem starts with our diet , and our bodies use up all our alkaline minerals ( like calcium , potassium , magnesium ) to fight this imbalance … that takes a lot of work ! Yeast , bacteria , and mould forming over time , coupled with stress and exhaustion , can cause us to have issues with skin , hair , nails , mood , joints and bones , as we gain weight , have problems with digestion ( either constipation or the opposite ). Are you wondering why you ’ re not sleeping well at night ?
Let ’ s take a look at some traditional Asian diets and ingredients that often accompany them : Kimchi ( a fermented blend of cabbage , peppers , garlic ), often enjoyed for breakfast , steamed rice ( easy on the digestive system ), stir-fried vegetables ( quickly par-boiled to maintain their nutritional value ), quality oils ( coconut , sesame , high in nutrition and Omega oils , necessary for our cell composition ), steeped teas ( high in antioxidants , immune boosting , soothing both mentally and physically ), plus healthy nuts and seeds . These are healthy diets , polar opposite to ours , proven by our differing rates of longevity , illness and cancers .
Acidic diets are known to cause hormone imbalances , inflammation , massive formation of fat cells ( and thus insulin release ), build up of uric acid ( gout , arthritis ), bone weakness
( osteoporosis ), digestive disorders , kidney and liver disease , candida ( yeast infections , acne , eczema , alcohol cravings ), to name a few issues . It has also been proven that cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline environment - so why do we continue to punish ourselves ?
Try adding lots of the following highly alkaline foods to your daily diet and skip the acidic ones you ’ ve become accustomed to eating . These will help balance your body ’ s pH level and make you feel much better :
Top alkaline foods ( HAVE – lots !)
• Spinach & kale ( lightly chopped and steamed , or quickly pan-sautéed with some good oils like coconut or olive oil )
• Broccoli ( as above )
• Almonds ( great as a snack or chopped inside salads and home-made granola )
• Avocado ( delicious and highly nutritious , with a bit of sea salt and lime juice . Eat it as a snack or add it to your salads )
• Cucumber ( raw , in salads , or diced and lightly steamed as a snack )
• Beets ( see our website for an easy , fifteen-minute “ pickled beet ” recipe .) Beets can also be steamed and added to stews , or fried to replace french fries ).
• Berries ( any kind )
• Carrots ( preferably organic , with skins , steamed or panfried in good oils )
• Garlic
• Asparagus ( do not overcook !)
• Limes , lemons ( see note below )
Did You Know ?
Lemons are considered one of the most alkalizing food around . They are acidic by nature , but inside the body – after its minerals dissociate through saliva and digestion , their effect is alkalizing .
Lemons help to strengthen your immune system , cleanse your stomach , and are considered blood purifiers .

16 More articles + recipes online : www . silvergoldmagazine . ca