Silver and Gold Magazine Winter 2018/19 | Page 23

HEALTHY GUT = STRONGER IMMUNE SYSTEM – By Caroline Farquhar, RHN, BA, EMP T he holidays can wreak havoc on our immune systems. From stress to eating and drinking things we don’t regularly consume (and perhaps more than we usually would), to sleepless nights, and just plain exhaustion. These are all contributing factors to knocking down our immune systems, and preventative care is the key to steer clear of illness. The first thing to consider is the fact that 70% of your immune system is in your gut. This means that the gut is the body’s primary defense system so keeping it healthy is paramount. That means eating foods which include probiotics and prebiotics to support the friendly bacteria in your body or by taking a probiotic supplement. Naturally cultured or lactofermented foods contain enzymes and bacteria that help digest food and eliminate waste. These foods include cultured dairy products such as buttermilk, kefir and unsweetened yogurt as well as sauerkraut, pickles, olives, kimchi, and kombucha. If you are not eating these foods on a regular basis, supplementation with a quality probiotic is a great option. Probiotics are the friendly bacteria that outnumber our human cells 10 to 1. Probiotic supplements contain high doses of multiple strains of bacteria, clearly list the strains on the label, and they are guaranteed until the date of expiry. Think of supplemental probiotics like a multivitamin for the gut, it’s a guaranteed way of knowing you’re getting the friendly bacteria your digestive system and, in turn, your immune system needs. If you do end up getting sick, go to your local health food store and look for natural remedies like astragalus, elderberry, echinacea, oregano oil, goldenseal or natural anti- viral tinctures. A health food store employee is a wealth of knowledge and can help you find what’s best for you. Other Ways to Support Immunity • Wash your hands regularly • Get plenty of sleep • Drink lots of good, clean water • Eat a healthy diet full of whole foods • Avoid processed foods and sugar • Supplement with a good multivitamin • Maintain a healthy weight • Quit smoking • Reduce and manage stress Caroline Farquhar is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and digestive care specialist who lectures across Canada on digestive care, cleansing, and detoxification. NEW PROBIOTIC + HELPS TO MODERATE GENERAL FEELINGS OF ANXIETY PLUS + HELPS TO REDUCE THE INCIDENCE OF COLD-LIKE SYMPTOMS IN STRESSED ADULTS Magazine ~ WINTER 2018 Available wherever natural health products are sold. To learn Silver more, & Gold please visit 23