Silver and Gold Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 24



“ The goal of meditation isn ’ t to control your thoughts , it ’ s to stop letting them control you .”

– The Age of Enlightenment
The gesture ‘ Namaste ’ represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra – our wellspring of love , warmth , compassion , and joy . The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one , by the soul in another .
To perform Namaste , we place the hands together at the heart chakra ( as seen in the image on the left ), close the eyes , and bow the head . It can also be done by placing the hands together in front of the third eye ( between the two eyes ), bowing the head , and then bringing the hands down to the heart . This is an especially deep form of respect . Although in the West the word “ namaste ” is usually spoken in conjunction with the gesture , in India it is understood that the gesture itself signifies Namaste , and therefore , it is unnecessary to say the word while bowing .
We bring the hands together at the heart chakra to increase the flow of Divine love . Bowing the head and closing the eyes helps the mind surrender to the Divine in the heart . One can do Namaste to oneself as a meditation technique to go deeper inside the heart chakra ; when done with someone else , it is also a beautiful , albeit quick , meditation .•


As we age , hair follicles begin to lose melanin production turning hair grey or white in colour . For some it may be hereditary , for many it may be diet related . Proponents of restoring grey hair colour to its natural state claim that it is possible to do so naturally . The following are some of the methods used , and with persistent and patience , these century-old methods are said to work within a period of three to six months .
Brewers Yeast – Available in both powders and flakes which can be added to baked goods , salads , and mixed into beverages , Brewers Yeast is an excellent source of Vitamin B Biotin : A building block of hair and necessary for cell regeneration , hair growth , blood circulation , needed for follicles to produce melanin . Also found in almonds , walnuts , milk and eggs , carrots and most berries .
Copper – It ’ s an essential mineral which benefits our bones , nerves , metabolism , for good energy levels , to prevent joint and muscle pain , and important for the production in hemoglobin and red blood cells . As it cannot be made within the body , it must be obtained through certain foods , such as nuts and seeds , wild seafood and fish , beans and lentils , oysters , beef liver , kale , shiitake mushrooms , and avocado .
Omega 3 – These healthy fats are a great source of nutrients and vitamins with antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties , and are believed to restore hair colour . Found in walnuts , shrimp , sardines , salmon , brussel sprouts and cauliflower , flaxseed , and beef .
Vitamin B Complex – Essential to the body ’ s production of melanin , Vitamin B ’ s are water soluble so they are often prescribed as a daily supplement . A study by the University of Zurich found that Vitamin B ’ s are essential to reverse hair loss and increase hair length , because they can rebuild hair shingles that have been damaged from over-shampooing , exposure to sun , over-treating hair with chemicals and blow-drying . Good sources of Vitamin B include eggs , beef , chicken , avocado , nuts , legumes , and potatoes .•


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