SIGadmin Newsletter Vol.6 no.1 | Page 10


SIGAdmin supports superintendents, principals and other district and school leaders by promoting the use of instructional technologies to enhance and increase student learning. Together we explore the factors that affect a positive learning return on technology investment. Our members discuss and contribute best practices, participate in online events, and share online articles and other timely information.​

Global Membership: 4,758

SIGAdmin Wiki

SIG Admin Officers:

President: Rosie Vojtek

President-Elect: Stacy Hawthorne

Communications Officer: Dodie Ainslie

Past President: Betsy Goeltz

Officer at Large: Michael Simkins

Volunteer Committee:

Jen LaMaster

Cheryl Cronbaugh

Dr. M. Monte Tatom

Ken Veon

Jennifer Krautner

Jared Wastler

Malinda Lansfeldt

Randy Rivers

Michael Taylor

Catherine Peña

Antonio Pagan