Siena Heights Course Catalogs | Page 41

Siena Heights University Online Learning (via the Internet) Online learning provides flexibility for busy learners. However, online learning also demands a disciplined approach from all learners. Each instructor approaches class differently, but all require that students participate in online interaction multiple times per week. Students must have the appropriate learning materials/textbooks ready by the start of the course. Delays in purchasing materials could impact course performance. Course syllabi are posted in advance for students to purchase materials, as noted, and review policies, assignments, and other important information. In most online courses, a “pre-class assignment” is due at the start of the course, where students are provided access to their online course roughly 5 – 7 days in advance of the official course start. Accelerated online courses can offer potentially faster degree completion. With accelerated delivery, though, online courses commonly stay active on various holidays or breaks (e.g., spring break on the residential main campus). Personal or extra-curricular events are not considered extenuating circumstances with accommodations, so students should consider their availability to fully participate in online course delivery. Successful online learners re