Siena Heights Course Catalogs | Page 348

Siena Heights University MBA Program learning Outcomes Program Outcome 1: Demonstrate creative problem solving and implementation through strategic planning, innovation, justice, ethical and sustainable practices to support exceptional decision-making and social responsibility Program Outcome 2: Demonstrate analytical skills through the integration of various business tools and techniques to solve complex business problems and evaluate business opportunities Program Outcome 3: Demonstrate leadership and management skills needed for implementing positive organizational change by treating all stakeholders with dignity and respect Program Outcome 4: Understand and effectively communicate quantitative and qualitative information professionally through exceptional written, verbal and analytical skills Program Outcome 5: Foster collaboration by leading and working effectively in a team-based environment demonstrated through self-awareness and respecting the differences in others MBA 602 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 3 This course applies principles of individual and group behavior to the management of complex organizations, which translates into effectively and ethically realizing strategic goals. Contemporary theories pertaining to goal setting, problem solving, decision making, leadership, motivation, team dynamics, conflict management, organizational communication and change will be examined and applied. Also explored are the traditions of Catholic social justice and dignity of the worker in the context of organizational behavior theories. MBA 611 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS 3 This course prepares students to become both producers and consumers of trustworthy analyses. Students will learn how to frame research questions, and apply a systematic range of business research methods as aids to solve organizational problems. The limits and benefits of both quantitative and qualitative approaches on managerial decision-making will be explored, as will the role of ethics in designing and conducting research projects and the decisions that flow from them. Students will learn how to minimize bias, and apply ethical research procedures to protect human subjects, and maximize the quality of data upon which managers rely in making important strategic decisions. MBA 641 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS 3 The application of economic concepts, theories, and tools to facilitate effective decision making, planning, and business analysis is the focus of managerial economics. Forecasting and demand analysis, profit maximization, and capital management are covered under the scope of the course. MBA 643 QUANTITATIVE METHODS 3 This course focuses on the necessity for business leaders to make sound decisions. As business environments grow in complexity, the quality of the decision-making across the entire organization becomes paramount. An emphasis is placed on quantitative tools that will enable students to employ analytics to enhance the decisions made by their teams and the entire organizations. MBA 649 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS 3 This course will provide an intermediate knowledge of analysis of financial statements, equity analysis of various business organizations, risk management, cash flow analysis and forecasting. MBA 650 BUSINESS STRATEGY AND PLANNING 3 This course is designed to develop competence in strategic planning, which encompasses analyzing external and internal environments to leverage the organization's core competencies to better position itself for vision, mission, and goal accomplishment. Organizational complexity and market uncertainty challenge assumptions of rationality. Topics include strategic implications of disruptive innovation, transformation and renewal, and strategic resilience. Rational, intuitive, and ethical decision-making models will be applied toward developing well-rounded strategic planning proficiency. Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2016-2018 347