Siena Heights Course Catalogs | Page 324

Siena Heights University Leadership Course Descriptions LDR 601 LEADERSHIP THEORY 3 An interdisciplinary overview of program topics including relevant concepts from business, psychology, education, ethics, and career development. Reviews historical approaches to organizational leadership as well as recent innovations in managing the change process. LDR 602 RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL WRITING 3 An introduction to the effective selection, analysis, and use of qualitative and quantitative research for professional purposes. Information and activities presented from the perspective of both the consumer and the producer of research. Requires demonstration of computer competencies and library/informational resource competencies, presentation skills, and the application of research to a real-life issue or situation. LDR 604 ETHICS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 3 This course is reflective of the Dominican tradition: “Specifically, these are the values of the reflective life, the free exploration of ultimate questions, the imperative to witness one’s values to the world, the concern for justice in human relationships, and participation in communal celebration.” Scholarly work will be linked to real world examples, focusing on how human interaction and leadership behaviors are best woven into organizational leadership. Assignments and discussions will equip participants with the tools and practice needed to create ethical and socially just organizations. LDR 606 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurship emphasizes entrepreneurial skills and issues in business creation, innovation, and design. Focus will include the entrepreneur’s challenge of building People, Process, and Product capabilities within a start-up or existing organization. Discussion will include small and global organizational models. 3 LDR 609 HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT A critical analysis and evaluation of health service delivery in various settings. This course explores the history, organization, roles and relationships of consumers and providers, as well as the various health service delivery systems functioning today. Students discuss current trends, issues and market dynamics which impact health service systems and integrate them into their leadership and management mental models. 3 LDR 610 CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND MENTORING 3 An examination of factors affecting the selection and development of professional roles. Explores career development methods. Each student develops an individualized career action plan and learns techniques to assist individuals and organizations with career development programs. LDR 612 HIGHER EDUCATION LAW 3 Important legal and ethical issues facing higher education institutions are explored during this course. Includes review of policy issues related to student rights, academic freedom, and intellectual property. In addition, the role of federal, state, and local governments in public education is explored. Using a case study approach, students are to develop an understanding of administrative law pertaining to students, faculty, administrators, and boards of trustees at institutions of higher education. LDR 614 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE 3 This course will expose students to the trends and contemporary issues of the health care delivery system. It will examine the issues pertaining to the organization, roles, and relationships of consumers and providers of health care services, as well as the various types of facilities and organizations, and current issues which impact the health care system. LDR 620 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 3 An introduction to the strategic management of information technology in the health service industry. Students examine in-depth the issues faced by managers of information systems. Areas of focus include clinical and financial information systems, community health information systems networks, and analysis of need, systems acquisition, operational challenges, and information systems planning and system/network integration strategies. Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2016-2018 323