Siena Heights Course Catalogs | Page 320

Siena Heights University
Health Care Leadership Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the graduate program in Health Care Leadership at Siena Heights University , student will realize improved competency in the following core knowledge areas as identified by the American College of Healthcare Executives ( 2014 ):
1 . Business : This area includes knowledge that pertains to specific areas / concepts of the organization ( e . g . marketing , business planning , strategic planning ).
2 . Finance : This area covers the planning , development , establishment , analysis , and assessment of financial management processes for an organization ’ s capital , budget , accounting , and related reporting systems .
3 . Governance and Organizational Structure : This area deals with the development and analysis of the organizational structure and with delineating responsibility , authority , and accountability at all levels of the organization . Functions include the development and implementation of policies and procedures for the governance process .
4 . Healthcare : This area focuses on a broad range of organizations and professions involved in the delivery of healthcare . Included are managed core models , healthcare trends and ancillary services provided .
5 . Healthcare Technology and Information Management : This area covers management information and clinical information systems such as finding computer-based support for management , assessing how current technologies and major innovations are changing the way healthcare executives manage , using information systems for short- and long-range planning , using clinical information systems and acquiring information systems .
6 . Human Resources : This area deals with assessing the need for and the supply of professional staff and other personnel . Functions include recruitment , selection , training , compensation , and evaluation of such personnel and how to examine ways of evaluating productivity and monitory accountability for results .
7 . Laws and Regulations : This area covers identifying and interpreting the impact of government regulations and law on the organization : identifying the need for and working with others to develop new regulations and laws ; investigating , monitoring , documenting , and enforcing existing statutes ; and maintaining communication and cooperation with both public and private organization .
8 . Management : This area covers general management principles ( planning , organizing , directing , and controlling ) to address overall organizational objectives .
9 . Professionalism and Ethics : This area focuses on the development , monitoring , and maintenance of procedures to ensure the needs of professional staff are met . Ethics includes identifying , monitoring , and disseminating codes of professional conduct ; understanding the implications of ethical decisions ; providing procedures to monitor standards of behavior within the organization ; and determining , maintaining , and monitoring accountability procedures .
10 . Quality and Performance Improvement : This area concentrates on the development , implementation , and evaluation of organizational accountability , including quality improvement theories and frameworks programs , quality assessment and assurance philosophies , policies , programs , and procedures .
Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2016-2018 319