Short Waves Festival 2017 Short Waves Festival 2017 (katalog/catalogue) | Page 60

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“ Plasma Vista ” pozwala zbadać tematy ekonomii , produkcji , kreatywności i kooperacji . Obiekty i narzędzia stają się cielesne i manipulacyjne . Magik jest złożoną kreskówkową maszyną , która powtarza sztuczki i równania .
Osobista surrealistyczna relacja z ataków 11 września w Nowym Jorku , opowiedziana poprzez zestawienie dekonstrukcji bliźniaczych wież i disneyowskich neoarchetypów .
“ Plasma Vista ” allows us to explore the themes of economics , production , creativity and collaboration . Objects and devices become bodily and manipulative . The magician is a composed cartoon machine repeating tricks and equations .
United Kingdom 2016 . 8 ’. Directors : Sarah Cockings , Harriet Fleuriot . Production : Sarah Cockings , Harriet Fleuriot
Sarah Cockings and Harriet Fleuriot are artists working with performance , film , sculpture and objects . Both recent graduates of the Royal College of Art , they met in 2014 and began collaborating for the first time on “ Plasma Vista ” ( 2016 ). Contact : submissions @ festivalformula . com
A surreal personal account of the 9 / 11 attacks in New York , presented in the form of juxtaposition of the destruction of the Twin Towers and Disney neo-archetypes .
China 2015 . 7 ’. Director : Faiyaz Jafri . Production : Faiyaz Jafri
Faiyaz Jafri born and raised in rural Holland of Dutch and Pakistani descent . He studied at the Technical University of Delft . His work has been exhibited in the form of print , paintings , video installations , animations and life size sculptures all over the world . Contact : faiyaz @ bam-b . com