Short Waves Festival 2017 Short Waves Festival 2017 (katalog/catalogue) | Page 34

konkurs polski / polish competition
set II
NAUKA ( Education )
W pewnej szkole podstawowej dzieci mają nauczyć się recytacji wiersza Juliana Tuwima ” Nauka ”. Poetycka fraza czasem jest niezrozumiała , niektóre słowa wymagają wyjaśnienia , ale z pomocą przychodzą rodzice .
OTWARCIE ( The Opening )
Umierający na raka artysta zaplanował swój ostatni performance w postaci wernisażu w galerii sztuki współczesnej . Przywieziony ze szpitala w stanie przedśmiertnej agonii zostaje wyeksponowany w galerii niczym obiekt .
In one elementary school children are told to learn Julian Tuwim ’ s poem “ Science ” by heart as homework . The poetic phrase is sometimes incomprehensible , some words require explanation , but parents come to their aid .
An artist with cancer planned his last performance for the day of his exhibition opening in a contemporary art gallery . His body connected to medical appliances is wheeled into the exhibition room lying on a bed .
Poland 2016 . Documentary . 20 ’. Director : Emi Buchwald . Production : Lodz Film School
Poland 2016 . Fiction . 32 ’. Director : Piotr Adamski . Production : Munk Studio
Emi Buchwald was born in 1991 . She is graduate of the documentary course at Wajda School and currently she studies the Direction at Lodz Film School . Contact : emi . mazurkiewicz @ gmail . com
Piotr Adamski is a visual artist and film director . Graduated from the Poznań University of Arts and Wajda School . Author of several video works and installations . Laureate of the Samsung Art Master Competition . His first short “ The Opening ” won the Silver Hobby-Horse at the 56th Cracow Film Festival . Contact : adamskiego @ gmail . com