Short Par 4 The Magazine February 2020 | Page 36

BALANCE Having good balance is critical in good iron play. Too much weight on your toes will have you falling back and cutting across it. Too much pressure on your heels could lead to a variety of unnecessary compensations in your swing. You want to imagine that the weight is running right through the middle of the feet. Having the weight right under the balls of your feet will put you in the perfect balanced athletic position at the start of your swing WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION We're teaching something that kind of blows the theory out of what it always has been. We've always been told with weight distribution that we should be 50/50 in our set up. Believe it or not the best hitters in the world, with their irons, are favoring their lead side more. So we want you to favor your lead side too. At least 55 to 60 percent of pressure should be on your lead leg at setup. :KDWWKLVGRHVLVSXW\RXLQDEHWWHUSRVLWLRQWRPDNHEDOO´UVW contact. Small ball before the big ball as we like to say.