Short Par 4 The Magazine February 2020 | Page 35

3 SET UP KEYS TO HIT IT LIKE A BOSS Wouldn't we all love to have the athleticism of Dustin, the pure power or Rory, or the iron play magic of Tiger? The truth is most of us struggle with ´QGLQJWKHPLGGOH of the clubface. The one area where you can be just as good as the pros you see on Tv is the setup. We want to give you three keys to setting up to the golf ball that are going to give the best chance at hitting ultimate irons shots more consistently. We want to talk to you about balance, weight distribution, and ball position. Me and My Golf brings viewers the best content LQJROIFRDFKLQJJROI´WQHVVELRPHFKDQLFV travel and education to really help golfers Take &KDUJHRIWKHLUJDPH Hosted by PGA Golf Professionals Andy 3URXGPDQDQG3LHUV:DUGWKH\GHOLYHUIXQ LQQRYDWLYHLQIRUPDWLYHJROIFRQWHQWWRKHOS NHHS\RXHQWHUWDLQHGDQGWDNH\RXUJDPHWR WKHQH[WOHYHO6XEVFULEHDQG7DNH&KDUJH RI