Short Par 4 The Magazine February 2020 | Page 22

We ended up playing three golf FRXUVHVGXULQJRXUWULS2XEDDL&& 3LQQDFOH3RLQWDQG3H]XOD$OOWKUHH are unique in their own way and have world-class facilities. $OOWKUHHJDYHPHWKHIHHOLQJWKDW WKLVLVDVJRRGDVLWJHWV$SDUWIURP bordering the Indian Ocean, they all had very unique characteristics and tested you in different ways. 2XEDDLZKDWLWODFNHGLQGLI´FXOW\ of the layout it made up for in length of the rough. The fairways were forgiving in size, but PLVVLWDQGFKDQFHVRI´QGLQJ\RXU ball are slim to none. Pinnacle Point simply put scary. Out of all three course s, I would rate it the most beautiful out of the three, but, at the same time, it's by far the hardest. There were a couple of tee shots that had me shaking. Pezula left a mark on me because it had the perfect mixture. Start with some gorgeous land, sprinkle in some undulation on the greens, and top it off with a tough but playable layout. Sometimes this game can grab you by the balls and not let go, but this time Pezula let go, and you know what, a gentle kick in the balls I can deal with. Some pros mention the zone where it all just kind of disappears. I feel like I experienced it this trip, it was a different kind though. It was the kind where the views took me to a place where, regardless of the quality of my game, I was hypnotized by the calmness and serenity the Garden Route delivers.