Short Par 4 The Magazine February 2020 | Page 18

:KHQ\RXWKLQNDERXWWKH PRVWVLJQL´FDQWSODFHVLQ WKHZRUOGWRSOD\ Pebble Beach, Augusta, St Andrews would probably be a top most avid golfers list. But what if I told you there was a little slice of golf heaven that you've probably never heard of. What if I told you for the price of your local muni, you could walk on top of PRXQWDLQVSOD\LQJ$XJXVWDJUHHQ fairways, while enjoying more scenic views of Pebble. This, my friend, is the garden route. The garden route is a 300km ( about 220 miles for you yanks) stretch of golfers paradise on the southeastern WLSRI6RXWK$IULFD,WERDVWVVRPHRI the most impressive golf courses known to man, and they are accessible WRDQ\RQHDQGE\$PHULFDQVWDQGDUGV very very cheap to play. Be ready to shell out hundreds of bucks if you want to tee it up at a premier site in the States if you can even get on. On the garden route, the most expensive tee you will get during the season, which starts in December ( 6RXWK$IULFDQ6XPPHU LVDERXW max. $V, PZULWLQJWKLV,FDQKHDU\RX saying Jacques that's all well and good EXW6RXWK$IULFDLVRQWKHRWKHUVLGHRI WKHZRUOG":HOO\HV\HVLWLV$QG\HV WKHµLJKWLVSUHWW\H[SHQVLYHDQG\HV it's a 15-hour plane ride to get here. Now that you've stopped complaining, let me continue. , P6RXWK$IULFDQE\ELUWK%RUQDQG raised with a lion cub by my side, swinging from the vines in the nearby