Shine Now! Magazine September/October Issue Issue 4 Volume 1 | Page 45

continue standing to salute a flag while until the country fails to represent people the way it is supposed to through significant change. The truth of the matter is he exercised leadership! Similar to the historic choices of the boxing legend Muhammad Ali, he took an unpopular approach through a national lens to display his concerns as a national figure! He stood up for what he believed and has since been called all sorts of derogatory names and demeaning adjectives! What once made him famous quickly turned to infamy! Fans began publicly burning his National Football League jersey and many jumped in to attack a man simply exercising his constitutional rights. Sound familiar? I mean really, what crime did he commit? None! What law did he break? None! He chose to use his power of influence to address a concern through his own approach, but some business and political figures cannot stand it! People began the age old argument of how people died to give him his privileges. Some used their interpretations to say he was disrespecting the military! Can someone please explain to me, how he simply utilized his rights and did not break laws but disrespected the forces who fight to give him the power to do just what he did?!?!?!Leadership is broken down into the following acronym by the United States Army. “LDRSHIP” Loyalty - Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers. Duty - Fulfill your obligations. Respect - Treat people as they should be treated. Selfless Service - Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own. Honor - Live up to all the Army values. Integrity - Do what’s right, legally and morally. Personal Courage - Face fear, danger, or adversity [physical or moral].” (Army Core Values) 45