Shine NOW! Magazine June Issue 2016 June 2016 Issue 1 Volume 1 | Page 8

5 tips to boost Your Metabolism
by: Dolores Lee


ur metabolic rate decreases naturally
as we get older. We must remember to
use wisdom in what we use to fuel our
body. The demand of everyday life can be
draining. Our food choices should help us live
an abundant life.
Fortunately, there are foods that naturally help
us stay energized, focused and feeling ready to
run the day, instead of the day run us down.
However, finding those foods can be daunting
with the information overload on the web, the
seemingly ever-changing FDA rules, and arguments over organic vs. non-organic products.
I’ve provided 5 tips to boost your metabolism
and not feel overwhelmed: 08

1. Pay attention to your body, because you are
what you eat.
We eat what we love and sometimes it doesn't
love us back. Certain foods can cause havoc on
our systems after prolonged internalization.
Some of us, for instance, have become desensitized to not being energized by the foods we eat.
In my case, after I eat any type of processed
sugar, I noticed increased irritability, feeling
sluggish and a downward spiral of nodding off
while trying to work. The easy solution my
peers gave me was to switch to all natural
cane. I've found just a touch of honey (raw-organic) works for me- usually just in my tea. I
also pair foods that will add natural sweetness
to avoid adding sugar. For example shaved
carrots in a salad add a touch of sweetness.