Shine Now Magazine April/May 7 Vol 1 | Page 15

Shine Now Magazine-Digital Magazine for Christian Working Women to Thrive in the Marketplace

previous year. This might be an area that may yield more profit
with a little more investment of time and other resources. It may
also point to how you are being perceived by your marketplace.

2. Leverage Multimedia:
Adding a form of media is another way of opening your business
to a new dimension. The media has the potential to give you
greater leverage and visibility. Media exposure may make you a
celebrity in your niche. Look at all those entrepreneurs who added
a dimension of the media to their services, marketing or product
mix to become household name brands and celebrities.

Choose the right media for your business. Are you going to opt
for new media, such as: a Facebook Live, a blog, an online
magazine, a podcast, or a YouTube channel? Or, will old media like
a TV show, a newspaper column or a radio show be better? It
would all depend on your audience, your budget, and the time you
can realistically allocate to developing this area. Picking one of
these areas will add a new dimension of growth to your business
and profits if well harnessed.

3. Develop New Business Alliances:
Creating alliances also helps you to add a new dimension to your
business and all that you're doing. These alliances create
something that never existed and bring a breath of freshness to
your business and clients. Working with alliances not only has the
potential to add credibility to your brand, but it also catapults your
influence in your niche, opening the door to opportunities and
more clients, which in turn adds to your bottom line.

First, when choosing alliances,, make sure you choose the right
ones, unless you are content with having sleepless nights. The
right alliances will be those with similar values. This is important,
otherwise you many end up alienating your client base. If you
wish to embrace those of other values, it may help you attract a
new breed of clients.

Second, you want to make sure that there is a mutual benefit
for both yourself and your alliance. What are you bringing to the
table? What are they bringing with them, and how would the
value contributed be reflected in your compensation plan if any?