Shine Now Magazine 6 Vol. 1 | Page 35

In the Beginning , A Phenomenal Man and Wo-Man
By : Nikki Smith
My mother and father , like my husband and me , were the cutest little couple . Regardless of how cute my parents were or how loving they tried to be , they were broken . My husband and I have the same struggles as my parents . They were looking for love and satisfaction , just like many couples today .
Even in all their brokenness , they were phenomenal to me . Unlike my parents , and many couples , my husband and I acknowledge our brokenness . We had no choice . We went a step further and sought counseling .
Now , we are healing together . The healing process is not always comfortable . In fact , many days are downright unbearable , like labor pains . Yet , we push our way through together . Throughout my book , I refer to the phenomenal man and wo-man who “ made ” me , in order to have a point of reference . I aim to share the pieces of my story , in an effort to help others .
What happened with my mom and dad occurs quite often , even today . There is nothing new . Where there is a man , there will always be a woman . Where there is a man who does not know who his identity or self-worth , there is a woman . A woman who reflects the same and she is placed in his path . Cupid comes along . He strikes , hook , line , and sinker .
Lust , Love and Lies My mother wanted to be with my dad . The opinions of others did