Shine Now! Mag July 2016 Shine Now! Mag July Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 12

“How Can my Partner Love Me if I Don’t Love Myself?” By: Paul Graham Relationships can be hard when we don’t love ourselves first. Is your relationship struggling because of the way you feel about yourself? Perception Reality My partner must not love me as much now. I don’t love myself as much because I put myself last on my priority list and let things go? My partner must be looking elsewhere. Why would he want me? I can’t face what I see in the mirror. So, I tell myself this to make me feel like what I am thinking is right. My partner has lost interest in me. I lost interest in bettering myself because I allow a ton of excuses to stand in my way. My partner never wants to have sex with me. I never want to be close to my partner because I can’t love myself or the way I look right now. 12 When you look in the mirror, do you only see the negative stuff looking back at you? If the answer is yes, then you may have a poor self-image. It will cause you to fill your head with negative perceptions when the reality is totally different. Let’s check your perception versus the reality about your body image. I will share some examples of how it impacts the relationship with your partner.