Sheet Metal Works 2017 Annual Edition | Page 50

Sheet Metal Contractors Association of Alberta MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
Subject to the acceptance of the application in accordance with the Sheet Metal Contractors Association of Alberta (“ SMCAA ”) bylaws , the applicant applies for membership under one of the following categories , subject to change as the member ’ s business activities change . Indicate the category that best applies to your business .
Fee Schedule 2017
❑❑CM1 - Full Member in the sheet metal industry as installer or manufacturer employing 3 people or fewer , or having gross annual sales of no more than $ 300,000 . Annual membership fee = $ 250
❑❑CM2 - Full Member in the sheet metal industry as installer or manufacturer employing 4 to 10 people , or having gross annual sales of greater than $ 300,000 but no more than $ 1 million . Annual membership fee = $ 550
❑❑CM3 - Full Member in the sheet metal industry as installer or manufacturer employing between 11 and 20 people or having gross annual sales between $ 1 million and $ 2 million . Annual membership fee = $ 1,100
❑❑CM4 - Full Member in the sheet metal industry as installer or manufacturer employing more than 20 people or having gross annual sales in excess of $ 2 million . Annual membership fee = $ 1,650
❑❑S - Full Member ( Supplier ) in the sheet metal industry . Annual membership fee = $ 500
❑❑A - Associate Membership for businesses and organizations who supply goods or services to the sheet metal industry but do not qualify for full membership . ( No voting privileges ) Annual membership fee for 2017 = $ 300
❑❑R - Retired Member for former full members of the Sheet Metal Contractors Association who are retired and no longer actively doing business in the industry . ( No voting privileges ) No membership fee
Company Name Contact Name
Title Street Address City / Town Postal Code Phone ( ) Fax ( ) Cell ( ) Email
TRADE / INDUSTRY REFERENCES : Please provide SMCAA with 2 references of companies that you have done work for / with for the past two years . We contact these references to ensure that SMCAA members are suitable for membership with SMCAA .
Company Contact Phone
Company Contact Phone
REFERRED FOR MEMBERSHIP BY :__________________________________________________ of ___________________________________
1 . I certify that the member applicant company employs qualified , certified journeymen . _____ Initial 2 . Is the member applicant company active in the Apprenticeship Program ? YES NO ( circle one ) 3 . I certify that the information given on this application is true to the best of my knowledge , and that if the application is accepted , I will abide by the “ Bylaws ” and “ Code of Ethics ” of the SMCAA . I acknowledge that giving false information or failing to abide by the “ Bylaws ” or “ Code of Ethics ” may result in the cancellation of membership . ____________ Initial
4 . The undersigned hereby applies for membership in the SMCAA , with all the rights , privileges and obligations granted or imposed by the SMCAA bylaws . 5 . Signature ___________________________________________________________ Dated _____________________________________
❏ Manufacturer ❏ Installation – Residential ❏ Installation – Commercial ❏ Contractor ❏ Supplier ❏ Wholesaler ❏ Industrial
❏ Institutional ❏ Other ( please describe )________________________________________________________
COMPLETE , SIGN AND RETURN THIS FORM TO 203 , 2725 12TH ST . N . E ., CALGARY , AB , T2E 7J2 . FAX ( 403 ) 735-5910 OR EMAIL TO WILMA @ SMCAA . CA