Sheet Metal Works 2017 Annual Edition | Page 5


Proudly Building on Our Achievements

Tony Borsje SMCAA President

As we follow up on the success of our first publication , I am very excited to introduce the second annual edition of Sheet Metal Works . The value this publication brings to our industry will only increase as we continue to ensure the articles remain relevant to all areas of our industry .

As we announced in our inaugural publication , we are pleased to advise that we successfully achieved representation on the Building Technical Council . This will allow the HVAC representative to speak for our industry rather than relying on other industries to speak for us . Any time you have a voice , you have an opportunity for greater impact and we are very proud of this achievement .
We will continue to focus on the prompt payment legislation in collaboration with other trade associations . The benefits of this being adopted provincially will be felt in all areas of our association , from residential construction through to commercial and industrial projects . We have all experienced the effects of the current economic climate , and legislation such as this can only be a benefit to our industry . Too many times we see companies with financial difficulties , thanks in part to overdue payments . Overdue payments affect a company ’ s ability to remain current with its responsibilities
, thus creating an endless cycle of late payments and the potential loss to our industry and other creditors .
SMCAA remains committed to ensuring our members are made aware of all opportunities regarding relevant educational seminars offered each year through SMACNA .
SMCAA remains active with HVAC technical liaison committees ( TLC ) both in Edmonton and Calgary , initiated by SMCAA to discuss various issues with municipal safety codes officers .
We will continue to work closely with safety codes officers and discuss any issues that may arise on behalf of the industry . SMCAA will continue to provide information on the national energy code which was implemented this past year and its effects on our industry and on the construction industry in general .
Congratulations to all the recipients of last year ’ s apprenticeship scholarships and we wish all the best to this year ’ s nominees .
This past year has seen many good things for our industry . In association with the Provincial Apprenticeship Committee , we successfully introduced Gas B Ticket into the training curriculum . Sheet Metal Works will continue to serve the HVAC industry , held to the high standards of our first edition .
As the new president of the Sheet Metal Contractors Association of
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