She Magazine June 2014 | Page 109

In an industry that is dominated by men, Mike Reichenbach Automotive recognizes the increasingly powerful role of women as consumers and thus the value of capable women in the automotive workplace. With 22 women on staff and many in key leadership positions, the question is raised... Is it really a man’s world after all? T oday, despite advances in many different aspects of female rights, there are still in- here happy with the services we’ve been able to provide them. At the end of the day, my dustries in which many think women should not be working. This is not because clients are family to me!” Women typically excel in customer service; many studies have women do not wish to work in these industries, but because the men running the businesses proven that women are more empathetic than men. It is important to have women like are hesitant to bring women in for the jobs. Thankfully, there are men like Mike Reichenbach Shaw working to mak RfV