She Magazine FEBRUARY 2016 | Página 118

he says, she says in every issue Love Won’t WEIGHT Editor’s Note: For this issue that celebrates Love & Marriage, Drs. Seth and Brittany Rainwater explore a topic that can cause, to put it kindly, a bit of friction, in even the best of marriages. However, when two people love each other, they want to not only grow old together, but, enjoy life to the fullest along the way. I asked these professionals to help guide couples in their discussion about this scary, touchy and weighty subject. The hope is to provide readers with the some basic tools to begin the process of change in their relationship that will support changes in their spouse. - Melia Flowers TALKING ABOUT HEALTH AND WEIGHT IS DIFFICULT in this day and will fail when resentment takes hold. No one likes to be manipulated, Collaborate About What Happens Next – Did you know that for age. There seems to be so much information flying around about especially about things that are struggles. No, only your spouse can your spouse to loos RvV