SHARE Magazine January 2017 | Page 30

Q & A

Continued from page 5
700 separate subjects found in over 8,300 verses . The Old Testament contains more than 300 prophecies concerning Jesus Christ alone , many with amazing specificity . Numerous prophecies have already been fulfilled , and they have come to pass precisely as foretold . The mathematical odds of someone making this number of predictions and having every one of them come to pass are light-years beyond the realm of human possibility . These miraculous prophecies could only be accomplished with the supernatural guidance of Him who sees the end from the beginning ( Isaiah 46:9-10 ).
Unlike mythology , the Bible has transformed a countless number
of lives . Yet many people allow the views of others — who have never seriously studied the Bible — to shape their own opinions . Each of us needs study it for ourselves . Put it to the test . Live by the Bible ’ s precepts and experience for yourself the dynamic and transforming power of this amazing Book . Apply its teachings on forgiveness and see how it can mend a broken relationship . Apply its principles of stewardship and watch your financial situation improve . Apply its teaching on faith and feel a calming presence in your heart even as you navigate through a difficult trial in your life . The Bible works . There is a reason Christians in various countries around the world risk their lives daily to expose others to the life-giving truth of this remarkable Book .
Ultimately , many who reject God and His revealed Word do so because of pride . They are so invested in their personal beliefs that they refuse to honestly weigh the evidence . To accept the Bible as true would require them to think seriously about God and their responsibility to Him . To accept the Bible as true might require a change of lifestyle . As Erwin Lutzer stated , “ The truth is , few people have an open mind , especially about matters of religion . . . . Thus , perverted doctrines and prejudices are easily perpetuated from one generation to another .”
Millions die every year having bet their eternal souls that the Bible is not true , hoping against hope that it is nothing but a book of mythology , and that God does not exist . It is a risky gamble , and the stakes are very high . We urge everyone to read the Bible with an open mind ; let it speak for itself , and may you find that God ’ s Word is truth ( John 17:17 ). p
30 | SHARE | MAGAZINE January - March 2017