SHARE Magazine January 2017 | Page 12



In a phrase , what is afoot is , an unholy mixture , a marriage of the sacred and the secular . In God ’ s view this is corruption and AN ABOMINATION HE WILL NOT for much LONGER TOLERATE ! The human family is under a demonic attack : Christians where do we draw the battle line ?
The luciferian narrative is to remove Christ under the guise of improving the human condition .
This is being achieved largely , through technology and science as given to the illuminati and governments who have sold their souls for future control of the planet . Supersoldiers , the herculien genes , Genetic aberrations have returned as well as transhumanism . Take a look at all the major blockbuster films and video games that have come out in the last decade or so . You will find that they are subliminally and systematically , neutralising our natural aversion to evil . They promote unnatural demonic lust while supernatural enterprises perform unthinkable experiments that tamper with the purity of the human genome .
Does PC ( Political correctness ) = Persecuted Church ?
These days :
• Christian doctrine is equivalent to hate speech
• Christian teaching is equivalent to indoctrination
• Christian ethics is equivalent to intolerance
The legal precedents being created in current law is giving the government the constitutional authority to persecute Christians and make them the source of all of society ’ s problems , just like Hitler did to the Jews . This same demonic spirit is at work .


The existence of the Nanny States is indicative that the home / family has generally become so dysfunctional that it has lost its moral authority and is failing to play the primary nurturing and instructive roles it was designed by God for . The vacuum is now being filled by the State . As Christians should we allow ourselves to be carried along by the wave of New Age humanism ? What will our future be when we abandon Godly standards and models of Morality and justice in the domestic and civil spheres ? Can truth really be relative and ethics be fluid ? The evidence says otherwise but we have become adept at ignoring the signs and living in denial , choosing to satisfy our lust for instantaneous gratification over the need to sacrifice for the moral good of all . We have the precedent of child divorce from parents , a phenomenon that necessitated itself because of poor parenting and failure to protect the interest and well being of the child (* see case of Russ ) 20 years on this child has survived because he was rescued by a loving family that lived according to Godly standards and maintained their role as nurturers . Adopting Russ while raising their own children wasn ’ t the easy option but it was a commitment that they did not abandon due to hardships .
Further indications that we have thrown in the towel are :
• High Divorce Rates
• The Age Of Consent Lowered
• Permissive Sex Education Curriculum Changes
• High Teenage Pregnancy Rates
• High Rates Of Abortions
• Child Abuse And Paedophilia
• Increasing Rates of Homeless Teenagers / Runaways / Missing children
• Child sex slaves / Child pornography
• X / R- rated content in prime time TV shows and in advertisements .
Where are the parents and what is
happening in families to cause all this ? By blaming the government we are extricating ourselves from any blame . Traditionally we believed that it took a community to raise a child yet we have fallen inline behind the humanistic ideas of individualism so we cannot speak into anyone ’ s lives , everyone is left alone to do what they please and thus selfishness is destroying us . If you think that I am naysaying or exaggerating try giving a young mother a helpful tip about her child or suggest to a youth that what they are doing is wrong . If you challenge any type of misconduct the state tells us we are being hateful and seeking to indoctrinate . Parents are proudly giving little children , yet undeveloped , the adult responsibility of making adult choices . Have we gone mad ? If we do not choose to pass on morality to our children then what will they have as a moral pool to make choices from when they are fully mature ?
Read more : http :// www . dailymail . co . uk / news / article-2247696 / Shawn-Russ-Boydivorced-parents-12-speaks-out . html
12 | SHARE | MAGAZINE January - March 2017