Shantih Journal | Page 24

Mountaintop Removal

by Laura Lee Washburn

Think of it like liposuction,

running the 5K to build

up your leg strength

until you can do the half marathon.

On women, they say muffintop.

Either way, excess is the shame.

And don't waste, but recycle,

take the junk mineral left,

the dirt, stone, pine, oak, sage

and build a new coastline

in the stinking marsh.

Remember that woman

who died here, her jars hoarded

in the basement for the bad times.

Pickles and tomatoes, okra,

whatever she grew those last seasons

before the drought and aphids,

before that baby skinnied up

so bad she had to go off her mother's milk.

Before the war and before the wars,

we had a century just building up

to this tragedy of Earth, this

wasting. Dig straight down

we used to say, and you’ll end up

in China. Someone in a pointed