Shantih Journal | Page 14

Family Photo Shoot

Karen Craigo

This is what you look like —

a Christmas card won’t lie —

the four of you together,

no ketchup-face, no sweatpants,

all of your eyes focused

toward the same point.

Your husband is handsome,

and you are happy, not

the mother of forgotten cellos

and calls from the school,

but the one who laughs

with her eyes, the one

you’d like always to be.

No one is running or falling,

no blinks or butt cracks here.

A photo is the work of a moment.

Before this was snapped,

your toddler made off

with a prop; you snagged him

on the move to recover

the purloined apple.

In your favorite,

your cheeks are still pink

from the chase. The thief

touches your mouth;

his brother feels for your hand.

This is the truest — everyone

asks a piece of you,

and you give it, and always

you find a little bit more.