SFPUC - Annual Reports The Future Is Now | Page 9

NING R SYSTEM With much of our combined sewer system well over 70 years old and increasingly at risk for climate- related impacts, upgrades to our infrastructure are needed now. The Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) enhances our seismic resilience and will upgrade our systems with state-of-the-art technology. The Biosolids Digester Facilities Project will replace the 65-year-old infrastructure located in Bayview Hunter’s Point with a new facility designed to fi t seismic standards and employ advanced treatment technologies to control odor and recover energy. The Channel Force Main, the central pipe that transports over 64% of the City’s wastewater from bayside homes and businesses to the Southeast Treatment Plan (SEP), failed during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and on two other occasions. While technological advances and innovation will improve our ability to protect public health and the environment, we recognize and embrace the simplicity of returning to our environment’s natural processes. Our Green Infrastructure Projects capture and divert stormwater away from our collection system while easing traffi c conditions and beautifying neighborhoods. We have protected public health for the last century through operating a sewer system that reliably and properly treats sewage before returning it to the Bay and Pacifi c Ocean. With the challenge of rising sea levels, unpredictable rain storms, and other impacts of climate change, we continue proactive and thoughtful adaptation planning to protect the City. Upgrading and building infrastructure with climate change design criteria will prepare San Francisco and minimize risks and impacts now and for future generations. Join thousands of San Franciscans and adopt one of the 25,000 storm drains in the City. Find out what you can do to keep San Francisco streets clean and get Rain Ready at sfwater.org/rainreadysf. 08