SFPUC - Annual Reports The Future Is Now | Page 6

ACCESS TO CLEAN POW While other utilities are just now moving toward a future of cleaner energy, our Hetch Hetchy Water and Power System has been generating 100% greenhouse gas-free hydroelectricity for nearly a century. We serve San Francisco’s critical City and County facilities, such as hospitals, schools, police stations, airport, water treatment plants, and MUNI buses; residential and business customers in redevelopment areas like The Shipyard; and wholesale customers, Modesto Irrigation District and Turlock Irrigation District. 05 Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017 We have long been leading efforts to reduce San Francisco’s impacts on climate through our clean energy programs. Through the City’s Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program, CleanPowerSF, we continue expanding San Francisco residential and business access to renewable and cleaner energy. Since the program’s launching in May 2016, more than 85,000 residents and businesses have joined our clean energy program to help the City meet its aggressive climate action goals.