SEVECEN 24 | Page 183



GLOBAL WARMİNG BECAUSE OF COWS : A cow releases on overage between 70 and 120 kg of methane per year . Methane is a greenhouse gas like carbon dioxide and the negative effect is similar to that of CO2 . This is just one thing causing the depletion of the ozone layer . Unfortunately , it is depleting more and more every day .
MY SYSTEM : In my custom hydroponic system , I ’ m going to grow my plants with special minerals that help cows not to pass flatulence gases ( fart ). When the cow eats my plants , it won ’ t fart . Also in my system , I ’ m going to use the cows ’ manure ( poop ) to make energy . With that energy , I ’ m going to fuel my system . Thus , making it even greener .
HOW CAN MY SYSTEM SOLVE THE PROBLEM ?: My system solves the problem with special minerals that prevent cows from farting . With the decrease of flatulence , in turn , we decrease the amount of methane and carbon dioxide polluting the air . In conclusion , my system helps to decrease global warming and improve farming .
MY SYSTEM İS HEALTHY : My system is healthy for humans and our environment . This is our world and we all must create solutions to live healthy and to protect our world ’ s future . Furthermore , we must leave a healthy world for the next generation .


In this project we were learning about hydroponic systems and how they can be used to solve a world problem . Firstly , we found the definition of ‘ hydroponic system ’ and used that information to create a custom hydroponic system that could be used to solve a world problem . For this project we also made a poster and on this poster we put all of our written information and drew our very own custom designed hydroponic system . As the final step , we presented our posters .