SEVECEN 24 | Page 179

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In addition to the traditional writing , speaking , listening and reading activities done in the LA lessons , technology is integrated to spice things up a bit and engage the students with some colorful fun ! Here are some examples of the use of IPAD apps and Web 2.0 tools . Please scan the QR codes to be taken to the students ’ voki creations . Press the play button and they will speak ! The topics range from characterization in connection with the students ’ Holes novel study to self evaluation of their own learning styles . Enjoy !
Stanley by Ceyla Eryöner Scan the QR code to view the animation
Me by Mehmet Uğur Dönmez Scan the QR code to view the animation
Student by Alp Cen Scan the QR code to view the animation
I am Me by Naz Bilgen Scan the QR code to view the animation