SEVECEN 24 | Page 129

Mary Akdoğan
Claudia Bishop
Ashley James Plewes


In this unit we were trying to answer the question , ‘ Why do people everywhere celebrate ?’ We started by thinking about Turkish festivals so that we could compare them to other festivals around the world to look for things they had in common .
‘ My favourite part of this unit was when we all worked on the same file on Google slides on our iPads . Our whole group worked on the slideshow at the same time . It was lots of fun ! I could see what other people were doing while I was working on the project too . It was hard because sometimes people erased my work . It made me really angry . We had to come up with rules , we each worked on one slide , and we didn ’ t touch anyone else ’ s work or erase their writing without asking .’
Afterwards , we compared our Turkish festivals with other festivals from around the world . After a lot of thought and discussion , we decided that people everywhere have celebrations to recognize important events . These events are usually sad or happy , and celebrations are a way for groups of people to show how they all feel . People do this through art , song , poetry , dance , dress , and other forms of artistic expression . The things we celebrate are important to us because they help to tell the story of who we are , what makes us unique , and what we have in common .
In the end , we used everything we knew about celebrations to make our own ‘ Star Sign ’ festival , which was a celebration of all of our birthdays !
Simla ÖZER
In our English lesson we brainstormed special days in Turkey . We all got to choose one to put it in a presentation . I chose Victory Day . We helped each other and gave information about the special days to each other . Then , we made a slideshow and added photos to make it look interesting and beautiful . This is what I shared with my friends :
We celebrate Victory Day every 30th August because our soldiers defeated all our enemies on 30 August 1922 . We celebrate this festival because on that day , Turkish soldiers defended our country and defeated all the enemies that tried to kill us . After that celebrating this day became a tradition . To celebrate Victory Day Turkish people set off fireworks at night . People march in the streets and give concerts . People wear clothes with the pictures of Atatürk on them . They wave flags while celebrating . Most people don ’ t eat special food on Victory Day but some of them eat baklava . People feel very happy and excited because it is a very important day and they celebrate this day to make other countries feel our presence . I picked Victory Day because it shows the world that Turkey is a brave and responsible country and how we created this country .