SEVECEN 23 Part 1 | Page 62

This year the Destination Imagination ( DI ) 1st Grade English club named themselves the Superpowers . The challenge for these Rising Stars was to create a play by themselves , design their own costumes , design their own props and a map that they would use in their play .


The students spent the first few weeks of the year practicing and learning about instant challenges . Then they started working on the play . First the students discussed in Turkish what characters they wanted to be in the play . They chose to be a Native American , cookie monster , Spiderman , a princess , a mermaid , a pilot , golden ninja , clumsy ninja , and a super hero .
The students then decided where their play would taking place — a Cesme beach wedding . They knew that the DI requirements for their play asked them to have them travel to different destinations and have a conflict about where to go and use their map in the show . The students then came up with the plot of the play . The decided they would argue about going to Lego Land or Minion World . They would agree as a group to go to Lego Land and take the train to get there . At the train station they would see a big woman getting on the train . As the woman got on the train she would make a hole through the train to the underworld and a monster would explode out of the woman . To save the world they would have to go to the underworld and make a trap with her meat and bones to catch the monster and save the world .
Our SEV students were the only ones at the DI tournament who performed their play in English . They made their own costumes , map and elements of their set . We are very proud that they followed the rules of the DI tournament and also did such a great job performing in English .