Sepia Prime Woman Digital Magazine September 2014 | Page 7

Are you ready to finally work on your fitness goals the right waY?

the right way?

Once you have a clear picture of the goal write out the plan to get there. How many days a week will you work out? What is your plan B if time doesn't permit you to get to the gym? What type of workouts will you do? You will be able to operate better if you have everything detailed and in plain view on a daily basis. Share the plan with your accountability partner.

It may sound corny but write a letter to yourself documenting how it will feel to finally get off the roller coaster and celebrate what you've achieved. Maybe it's a vacation, new pair of jeans or simply the feeling of accomplishment.

The seasons are changing. Kids are going back to school. It's high time you do this once and for all. No more talking about it -- it's time to show action. Why not start now before we enter the holidays and beat the New Year crowd. How wonderful to be ahead of the game!

I read something the other day that said, "I will work hard for this. It may take longer doing it the healthy and the right way but it will last longer this way. It will be better and I will be happy."

Tasha Odunuyi is a Certified Personal Trainer and Owner of Circle of Life Fitness in Frankfort, Illinois. To make an appointment with Tasha, Contact her at: [email protected] or visit the website at


How many times has something motivated you to get up and get working on your fitness goals? You got the urge to do it, but after a while it became a thing of the past; waiting for the next holiday, birthday, season change or family gathering. The problem is many people start off wrong. Working your fitness goals is no different than anything else we do in life; it takes proper planning and focus. How you start a thing is sometimes how it'll end but it doesn't have to be that way.

Have you given thought to the overall goal? How will reaching this goal make your life better? What are you prepared to do to see it through? Who will be your accountability partner so on days you want to give up or half do it, they can give you that extra nudge without taking no for an answer?

You can't do it without a plan. After you've asked yourself the important questions it's time to write it out. Be realistic in your expectations. If weight loss is your goal don't set yourself up for failure thinking that you will loose 50 pounds in 2 months. 50 pounds may be the overall goal but you have to break it up into smaller goals to get to the bigger ones.

For example if 50 is your magic number then write it down at the top of your paper. Underneath break it up into 5 pounds at a time. For some women a 5 pound weight loss is a huge victory. Small changes done on consistent basis will get you to your weight loss goal.