Senwes Scenario October / November 2017 | Page 46

•••• G RAI N M AR K E T P R O S P E C T S September 2017 > CONTINUED FROM PAGE 43 the USA. The higher the HRW price, the lower the calculated import tariff used in the calculat­ ed import parity, which normally reflects in the JSE wheat price. The American HRW price and the JSE wheat price have fortu­ nately stabilised. The import tariff calculations must, however, be monitored carefully. The SAGIS website can be used for this pur­ pose. Oil seed complex: Sunflower and soybeans: Based on the seventh crop esti­ mate of the NCEC, the NAMC calculates that the carry-over stock of sunflower will be in excess of 192,000 tons for the marketing year. The sunflower crop estimate was adjusted upwards significant­ ly. The current sunflower price on the JSE is lower than the calculated derived export parity. Relatively high carry-over stock levels and expected expansion of the planting area are the main reasons. Graph 5 reflects the seasonal price trend of sunflower. The NCEC predicts a crop of 870,095 tons and the NAMC indicates calculated carry-over stock levels of 142,000 tons. In the case of both sunflower and soybeans, there is a perception that the plantings will be expanded during the coming season. The over-sup­ ply of maize and resulting low prices are the main reasons. Both the sunflower and soybean pric­ es will increase at a slower rate towards December than in other years. According to the calculations of the NAMC, we will end with carry-over stock levels of 223,662 tons. The soybean supply is high­ er than the demand and approxi­ 44 Graph 4. American Hard Red Winter and Safex cash wheat price. Graph 5. The long-term season price movement of sunflower (spot price) on Safex. mately 30,000 tons will have to be exported. The soybean price is currently lower than calculated export parity. It is expected that the seasonal trend will be fol­ lowed. The producer should stay in contact with his grain market­ ing advisor in respect of oilseeds as well. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The current price levels of all the summer crops are under pressure at present. The summer crop is getting larger with every CEC- estimate, particularly in respect of the maize situation. We trust that maize exports will pick up OCT/NOV 2017 • SENWES Scenario in order for the carry-over stock levels to decrease and for prices to recover. It is difficult to create international markets for white maize. White maize is not popular for use in animal feed abroad and local white maize is unelastic. This means that cheaper white maize meal prices will not necessarily result in a dramatic increase in human consumption. Although miracles cannot be brought about at present, the pro­ ducer should stay in contact with his grain marketing advisor. Plans can be made to manage the low price to the best of the producer's ability.