Senwes Scenario October / November 2016 | Page 46

•••• G RAI N M AR K E T P R O S P E C T S September 2016 Market movements THYS GROBBELAAR SENIOR GRAIN ANALYST, SENWES GRAINLINK THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS ARTICLE IS TO PROVIDE A BROAD MARKET OVERVIEW SINCE THERE IS QUITE A LAPSE OF TIME BETWEEN THE WRITING AND THE PUBLI­CATION OF THIS ARTICLE. INTERNATIONAL FUNDAMENTAL FACTORS Graph 1. USA yields in bushels per acre. International economic situation The international economic situation has not changed significantly since the writing of the previous article. The global growth rate is under pressure and the world’s second largest economy, China, is changing from a mainly production oriented economy to a mainly consumer oriented economy. The result is a decreased demand for various commodities, which inturn puts pressure on the international prices thereof. Dollar/euro exchange rate movement Most international export quotations relating to grains and oilseeds are done in $/ton. A strong dollar results in relatively expensive grain, which in turn results in lower demand and further pressure on prices. The dollar weakened by approximately 7% since the beginning of 2016 against some of the more important currencies such as the euro. It supports some of the most important soft commodities to some extent. 44 Graph 2. American yellow corn price on CBOT (c/bushel). Graph 3. R/$ exhange rate movement OCT/NOV 2016 • SENWES Scenario