Senwes Scenario June/July 2018 | Page 23

NEWS Elmarie Joynt (Group Company Secretary & Chief Legal Counsel) officially opens the branch in Ugie. der Spuy at Aliwal-North said: “My expe- rience and perception is that Senwes is just another agri-company in the Free State. However, I have realised since the Senwes Equipment Expo last year that it really focuses on the customer. I bought a tractor from Senwes Equipment, which changed my farming operations drastical- ly. I also experienced technology in my farming operations. The small things make a huge difference. I experienced a team which is really different.” At Ugie Karel Bezuidenhout, a big John Deere supporter, said: “These guys are not scared of distance. Thank you to Senwes Equipment for being willing to expand to this area. We are looking for- ward to facing the future with you. I am a John Deere man. John Deere is not only a tractor, it is a way of living.” bers of staff, 61 technicians, 28 apprentic- es and 52 service vehicles, as well as 27 branches where spares are available. “We were given an opportunity here and our contract was extended to serve East London as well. It is a huge area with a lot of customers and we want to service you with the utmost respect.” Pieterse added that their services included sales, spares and repairs and that a second-hand unit was operating in Kroonstad. Finance is extended by John Deere Financial, which offers unbeatable interest rates. Producers added their bit to compli- ment Senwes Equipment. Charles van At Ugie another producer, Samson Tauzeni, said that “it is an absolute plea- sure to do business with Senwes. They have only been good to us, parts within 24 hours and good relationships, that is Senwes Equipment - a fresh breeze in our area. You are a respected trademark, you have tough tractors and excellent service. Farming is like shaving - if you do it today you have to do it again tomorrow.” He thanked every member of staff by name, which confirmed that a good relation- ship between the customer and Senwes Equipment has already been established. The branch managers Nelis van Heerden in Aliwal-North and Ugie and Riaan Grobler in East London explained the difference which Senwes is making. “We increased our market from 6% to 47% at Aliwal and Ugie after only 20 months and from 3% tot 24% in 9 months in East London.” That really says a lot. Welcome to the Eastern Cape, Senwes Equipment! w VROEË VEGETATIEF, MET PLANT MIDDEL VEGETATIEF, TOPBEMESTING BLOMSTADIUM VOOR PLANT Met Kynoch se innoverende en pasmaak-produkte kan jy bemesting toedien volgens jou mielieplante se behoeftes en groeistadiums. So verseker Kynoch dat jou mielieplante kry wat hul nodig het, wanneer hul dit die nodigste het. Kynoch – verbeterde doeltreffendheid deur innovasie. Vir verbeterde stikstof- doeltreffendheid wat beskikbare stikstof in die grond verhoog. KynoPlus ® - mengsels: Om stikstof, fosfaat en kalium doeltreffend in die grond te sit. KynoPop ® KynoPlus ® en KynoPlus ® - mengsels: KynoPlus ® - Effektiewe bemesting wanneer die voedings- behoefte van die mielieplant geweldig toeneem. Vir ‘n vinnige begin en sterk saailinge. NPKS-plantermengsel Om gedurende hierdie stadium in die mielieplant se lewe ‘n goeie potensiaal aan te lê. Mielie OEMFF®: ’ n Blaarvoeding om die effektiwiteit van die mielieplant te verbeter. Mielie OEMFF® B16: Om gedurende stuifmeelstort, bestuiwing en bevrugting in die spesifieke voedings- behoefte te voorsien. KynoPlus ® -mengsels Foli-Grande of Foli-Plus: Het die nodige voeding- stowwe in, om graanvul te verbeter. Farmisco (Edms) Bpk. h/a Kynoch Fertilizer Reg. Nr. 2009/0092541/07 011 317 2000 | [email protected] KynoPlus® is geregistreer as kunsmis groep 1 – Reg. No: K8024, KynoPop® Reg. No: K9101, Mielie OEMFF® Reg. No: K8702 en Foli-Grande Reg. No: K8045 (Alle produkte is geregistreer onder Wet 36 van 1947) SENWES SCENARIO | WINTER 2018 KynoPlus ® 21