Senwes Scenario February / March 2016 | Page 53

F UT UR E F O CUS ••• JENNY MATHEWS Be future focused on Opportunities - The 4th Industrial Revolution I n an effort to ‘turn down the heat’ of this recent heat wave, by midday I found myself drawing the curtains across the windows through which I normally welcome the sunlight and the fresh green and white palette of my garden filled with iceberg roses out front. The darkened room offered solace from the merciless sun - it also helped that I did not have to look out at the bleak, scorched garden where the grass and flowers were losing the daily battle for survival. I was reminded of a sermon I listened to some years ago. The pastor said most people have a tendency to ‘draw the curtains’ when going through tough times. We prefer to hibernate and suffer in silence rather than to get out, do something different or to seek help. The trouble is that in our private spaces, the problem seems to grow and circumstances look darker than ever and soon we are living inside a misery, all alone, because we will not reach out to one another. And in this